Throne of the Dread Terror T1

Sel jsem s pugem cely raid na t1, hotovo za cca 2 hodiny.
postrehu mam malo, protoze jsem nestihal

1. Max DPS! Asi to nejdulezitejsi! Hodne tlacili na minstrely aby davali ja CD anthemy, a kapitani OE – nejlepe mit gear na reset OE
2. 30k hp kazda postava(s buffama) minimum, jeden z healeru mel 60k hp!

Trolla jsm nejdnoduse nuknuli, zadni addi, stalo by to za zkousku to zkusit
Mamuty jsme tankovali od vchodu napravo, prostredniho mamuta jsme sezehli hned na zacatku, druzi 2 byli cely boj nekde vcudu – jak to ten tank udelal, nevim. Po zabiti 1 mamuta se tam zjevilo strasne moc addu, pozabijeli jsme je a pak postupne druhy a treti mamut spolecne s addy

jesta jedna poznamka – zadny vylozene support heal tam nebyl, ti minstrelove to healovali sami(zase radeji dps nez heal) – ted nevim, jestli nebyli na zlute lajne(nebo kombinace modra+zluta), to by chtelo projit forum, co je lepsi na raid

Na ceste k Vadokharovi je plno addu – tato cesta je stejny zpusob jak cesta k Durchestovi, postupne jsme se posouvali a zabijeli hlavne archery a warriory – proc nevim

Pak je boss Vadokhar – na zacatku nuknout bosse,full dps do bosse postupne 2x OE, na cca ted nevim asi 60% boss je imunni a musi se natahnout do ohne, v te dobe se sundavaji bludicky – hlavne corrupt.

Vadokhar se musi interuptovat(tank), jinak hodi strasnou pecku – je to nejaka viditelna animace, u tohoto bosse se dulezite sundavat si lahvickama feary a (woundy?-uz nevim)

Od 60% bosse se musi chodit mimo ohne a postupne zabijet bosse a bludicky, na 20%-25% hp bosse nuknout bosse.

Na ceste k dalsimu bossovi – Unbroken One, jsou potvory z DN:), drakelingove prvni, ..

U bosse prvne addi a pak bosse tankoval tank na trunu a vsichni ostatni- priorita cislo jedna shazovat corrupny – pochopil jsem to ze jak se shodi cca 200 corrupnu, boss je mrtvy, samozrejme chodi addi

na dalsi ceste sejde po okraji siroke cesty, prostedkem cesty chodi cyklicky cca 20addu, tem se vyhnout, a zabijet jenom addy na krajich

dalsi z bossu jsou 2 sorcereri – jednoho si natahnul tank a healerem na levou zadni stranu, my jsme tankovali toho prvniho vpravo hned za vchodem -tam uz si ty mechanismy nepamatuje, nuknuli jsem prvniho bosse, u toho druheho chodidi addi, hlavni vec, hodne lidi dostava fialove oka, ktere se dokazou prenest i na male wormy, kteri jsou rozeseti po mate  – a samozrejme, jak oko vytika, dava pecku, takze s okem odbihat

U tech sorcereru jestli neni u jednoho reflect na tact. damage a u druheho na phys. damage, toto nevim uz?

a pak je finalni boss – Gothmog – prvne se stahuje cca na 75%m vsechny to kopne do (ja myslim) do carn dumu a tam postopne addi, pak jsou 2 bossove mordrambor a a ta ruda zenska – viz epic book, tady jsme se tankovali na plosine nahore, u jednoho reflect na tact. damage a u druheho na phys. damage

pak zase addi

a pak trun v carndumu – na trunu se tankuje boss, vsichni ostatn addy

pak zase na ceste addi

a konecne posledni boss – gothmog u jeho trunu – tankoval se v takove skuline vlevo u trunu, nuknout, pak na cca 30-40% na opositni(druhou) stranu a dodelat

pak animace …. jeste nejaci addi a konec


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11 Responses to Throne of the Dread Terror T1

  1. Profile photo of Karlicka Karlicka says:

    Super poznamky.
    Ja jen pridam link na vsechny boss fighty v t1 raidu:
    Stoji za to se na to mrknout.

  2. Profile photo of Rethon Rethon says:

    Ten návod na mamuty vypadá slibně a rozhodně se najdou věci, které jsme dělali jinak. Možná, že v tom hledáme moc velkou vědu, každopádně by to k tomu chtělo přistoupit asi jako na mamuty v ODčku – jen s jedinou výjjimkou, že 1 tank bude v exilu kitovat dva mamuty. Jinak mi to přijde hodně podobné: melee na kameni čekat na addy, range DPS na kameni a jít do mumaka – jak přijdou addi, tak addy. 1 tank v exilu, další tankuje mamuta, další čeká na addy. Nemusíme nikam spěchat, lepší je si to kontrolovat. To, že pak addi budou chodit i každou minutu, mi přijde jako menší zlo, než těch addů na nás vyběhne 20 najednou.
    Nevim, jaký range mají ty mumakovy kruhy – jestli nám je bude házet pod zadek, i když ho budeme dávat jen z dálky na range.

  3. Profile photo of davca davca says:

    Nekde jsem okopiroval neco ohledne vybavy na raidovani, kdyz to jednomu cloveku pomuze, budu rad:)

    Always carry top tier scrolls, hope tokens, and food to boost resistance, regeneration and stats.
    Always carry stacks of Disease/Fear/Poison/Wound Potions, Morale Potions, Power Potions, and other class specific consumables like shield spikes, marbles, focus potions, and fervour potions.
    Tomes of Defence, Damage, and Morale are highly recommended.
    If you sometimes miss the fact that you need to take a pot, please ensure you install a plugin to help you. Useful plugins include Buffbars, Palantir II, and Potion Helper.

    Legendary Items

    Use fully imbued first age weapon and class items with legacies that support challenge raiding.
    Legacies that are decent for solo or PvP play may not be effective for raid groups. Make sure your LIs have the legacies best suited for group content.
    Ensure that the relics are of the highest quality and fit the role you are filling in the raid.

    Skill Points and Character Builds

    77+ skill points (currently 82 are obtainable).
    Be very comfortable with each of your skills in each of your lines. Be an expert with your class!


    Tanks: 40k minimum, 50k+ recommended
    All others: 25k minimum, 30k+ recommended

    Virtues (Cap them)

    Raiding virtues can be used to cap mitigations and add resistance. Frequently used virtues are listed below.


    Mitigations (Overcap them)

    Light Armour: True (over) cap is 20,213 Physical and Tactical, so aim for 18,722
    Medium Armour: True (over) cap is 22,409 Physical and Tactical, so aim for 20,968
    Heavy Armour: True (over) cap is 24,579 Physical and Tactical, so aim for 23,138
    These values are a warding scroll (i.e. 1441) under the caps.

    Critical Defence

    Tanks: 50-60%
    Melee Classes: 45-50%
    All others 40%+

    Incoming Healing Rating

    Tanks: 25%+

    Avoidances (Tanks)


    Pick all traits that improve b/p/e
    Minimum 17k, recommended 20k+
    Try to even out your ratings. E.g. 20k/20k/20k will provide more avoidances than 23k/20k/17k because of diminishing returns.


    Tanks: 35%+
    Casters: 30%+
    All Others: 20%+


    DPS: 60k+
    DPS: 63.7k+ if you do not use 2 pieces of the new pelennor set
    Healers: 45k-50k

    Critical Rating (Cap Critical Chance)

    Pick all traits that improve critical chance %
    The cap is 17,685
    Running with a red line captain will buff your critical rating by about 2,400. So try to put 2 critical rating essences on a swap (jewellery) piece. If you have a red capt in your group, then you could swap your crit rating piece for a piece with different stats, e.g. extra morale or extra mastery.
    Tanks don’t need capped critical rating.


    10.5k (20%)

  4. Profile photo of davca davca says:


    He starts tiering up a buff (-25% damage, -50% damage, -75% damage, immune to damage) which needs to be dispelled. You can dispel it by pulling the boss in the middle of a shadow or a flame puddle. He will soak it up. The boss needs to be in the center for a few seconds for the buff to disappear. Your tank will take big hits from the puddle during this time. (Melee dps should not follow him.) Depending on your group make up you can decide whether you want to pull him into a shadow puddle or into a flame puddle.

    -Letting the boss feed on a flame puddle grants him a -50% incoming melee damage buff for 20s and -5% incoming melee damage buff, +10% fire damage buff permanently.

    -Letting the boss feed on a shadow puddle grants him a -50% incoming tactical damage buff for 20s and -5% incoming tactical damage buff, +10% shadow damage buff permanently.

    -I forgot if ranged damage debuff was fire or shadow.

    -Ensure that you let him feed on a puddle before he reaches his immunity state.

    -Use a wound potion to remove the -50% fire mitigation debuff.

    -Use a fear potion to remove the -50% shadow mitigation debuff.

    The grims have a tier 3 corruption that takes away 5% morale every 2s of everyone near them. You have to either remove the corruption (requires 3 removals) or kill the grim, whichever one happens first. For T1 the strategy definitely is to AoE all grims down ASAP. Removing corruptions is good, but it’s not required to remove the corruption before they die, so AoE is recommended. Basically you have to either remove the corruption or kill it, whichever one happens first.

    Therefore have one tank grab everything, keep everyone focused on the boss. The grims will readily die in the champions AoE. Once you get to about 6M, the boss probably has reached -75% incoming damage and at this point have the tank will him into a puddle. As soon as the puddle disappears, the rest of the group can follow and continue as before. Around 3M morale you’ll have to do the same thing again. Just keep the dps up and you’ll only have to pull him into a puddle twice.

    If you are taking a wipe, never retreat until the fight has completely reset, failing to do so may cause it to bug out. (The boss won’t respawn and you cannot continue.)

  5. Profile photo of Karlicka Karlicka says:

    Tak jsem prochazel forum a v burg sekci jsem nasel jak jeden clovek psal co vsechno dokaze s burgem nahazet na bosse: „+20% Miss Chance, +40% Attack Duration, -30% Damage, +23,6% Incoming Damage (up to 28,6% for 2/3 of the time, so roughly 27% overall), -2121 Finesse, -10% Critical Defence, -22,6% Tactical Damage, +25% All Skill Inductions“.
    Specialne tech -30% Damage od bosse a prumerne +27% Incoming Damage je masakr. Pro info duchove od kapta jsou 35% na 20 sec. s cooldownem, takze burg to jsou takovi skoro duchove po celou dobu boje. Je dobry burg by se nam opravdu hodne hodil…

  6. Profile photo of davca davca says:


    He starts tiering up a buff (-25% damage, -50% damage, -75% damage, immune to damage) which needs to be dispelled. You can dispel it by pulling the boss in the middle of a shadow or a flame puddle. He will soak it up. The boss needs to be in the center for a few seconds for the buff to disappear. Your tank will take big hits from the puddle during this time. (Melee dps should not follow him.)

    to je odpověď, proč všichni dostali tu strašnou pecku, je potřeba odběhnout od bosse v tu chvíli(jak říkal vilda), proto ta taktika je že tank odběhne to shazovat s bossem mimo skupinu

  7. Profile photo of davca davca says:

    vidím, že je tam plno nového, hlavně k T2, vůbec by nebylo špatné, kdyby nějaká dobrá duše to přeložila do češtiny a udělala z toho návod … kdo se hlásí?

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